Sunday, August 2, 2009

Taking Flight

This post is from actor Brian Sutow.

Our rehearsals for "Dream Machines," have officially concluded.
It's been a wonderful month with our directors for this show, Matt Cowart and Isaac Klein, and I feel like the show is definitely ready to fly on its own (excuse the pun). Now that our directors are leaving us, I can't help but recall the ideas we talked about before the show had even started rehearsing. I remember writing Matt and Isaac excitedly after having read through the script for the first time. I was excited because I knew that if the actors were going to
do this show justice there were a couple of big challenges ahead. My biggest question was this: was it possible to bring depth, honesty, and specificity to this script while also providing the sense of magic, whimsy and clarity that is necessary in children's theater?
Well, I couldn't be prouder of our cast or more grateful to our
directors. The answer to that question is a resounding "YES!" I'm excited to see how the show will continue to grow as we continue to perform it, but already it has far exceeded my expectations. After performing at Benton Heights, and for many test audiences, I feel incredibly proud of what we have accomplished, and look forward to
sharing this beautiful story with many audiences to come.

Thank you to everyone who came to our previews and gave ODE the feedback that has helped to make this show what is. Now, it's time to move on...To Mars! "Peril on the Red Planet," rehearsals start Monday.

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