Wednesday, August 29, 2012

No, really. . . I'm in a play!

This post is from a fellow who is willing to take on new challenges and succeed, Cameron MacManus. Cameron is pictured here as Gordy with the Triplets Ish in our new production, Big Shoes.

Whew! It has been a crazy journey putting “Big Shoes” on its feet . . . and three sizes of big shoes on mine. Yesterday, we ran the complete show three times and it’s feeling better and better to be Gordy. I had no acting experience when I auditioned for the Open Dream Ensemble - just the willingness to dive in and explore new things. Our amazing director, manager, composers, and set designers had done so much work to make Michaela Morton’s wonderfully imaginative script jump to life by the start of rehearsals that it was a little nerve-racking to step into those shoes and stumble my way into their world. There was no need to worry. Everyone involved is as encouraging as they are fantastically talented. Playing Gordy these last three and half weeks (a character whose life frustrations are all-too-comparable to my own middle school experience) and working alongside all these great artist-teachers has been inspiring and thought-provoking. This fall is going to be awesome! I can’t wait to share this show and its message on the stage and in the classroom, and grow more and more into these Big Shoes!

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