Friday, September 4, 2009

Some Down Time

Well, we did it! Last night Open Dream Ensemble performed Dream Machines and Peril on the Red Planet to a wonderful and enthusiastic audience at the Stevens Center. Today both shows were taped; Peril by a NASA/JPL HD filming team and Dream Machines by local film artists from Leading Edge Video.

The past two weeks have been full of long days and very little down time. Tech week (this week) was intense for cast, crew and directors alike. I want to send out a sincere thanks to the cast for their non-stop energy and positive humor. I also want to acknowledge the spectacular work of Travis McHale. Travis designed and built our set AND then helped us out by designing and running the lights in the Stevens Center this week. He is an absolute gem to work with and a rare talent.

Our directors Matt Cowart, Isaac Klein, and Mollye Maxner worked tirelessly to polish their shows and help with last-minute repairs and touch ups. You all amaze me and have my sincere gratitude.

Now, a week off for the cast as they have some well-deserved rest and pursue other projects.

The directors and Travis will shortly leave town for their next shows... to them, toi toi toi!

To all, a great big THANK YOU!

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