Monday, August 31, 2009

Perviews and Tech

This post is from actress Lauren Culpepper. Lauren is a graduate of the UNCSA School of Drama and shows her versatility in the two Open Dream shows; in one she is Katharine Wright, intelligent and supportive sister to the famous Orville and Wilbur, in the other she is a 13-year-old whiz kid on a quest to save Mars.

Yesterday we concluded the bulk of our rehearsal process for Peril on the Red Planet. Its amazing to see the difference between Peril and Dream Machines. We really do have two wonderfully different musicals.
Last week we had two preview performances of Peril for two different schools. The kids loved it! It was so rewarding to feel their avid attention to the show and the connections they made with the play and characters. Our director, Mollye, watched the kids during both performances and said they were absolutely mesmerized to what was going on on stage. This week we'll be teching both shows at the Stevens Center. We're all very excited about finally putting both shows up together! It looks like its going to be quite an exhausting week, but certainly a rewarding one by the end of it all. Personally, I'm really looking forward to meeting these NASA / Imagine Mars folks! Sounds interesting!

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