Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Dream Machine Costumes
We are fortunate to have the creative and practical Costume Designer, Ren LaDassor, working on the Open Dream Ensemble costumes this season.
Before she even agreed to work with us, the following costuming stipulations were made:
1. All costumes must be quick to put on and take off.
2. All costumes must be durable and washable. These costumes
will be used for three years with between 50 - 80 performances each year.
3. Every costume must be constructed so that the performer has the ability to dance.
4. Costumes must reflect the period -- in the case of Dream Machines, the early 1900s.
5. And yes, the budget is small.
Undaunted by these restrictions, Ren has designed some exciting and inventive costumes.